Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Futurist Outlook on mind control over robots

One of the Futurist’s proposals in the Futurist Outlook for 2011 that intrigues me is the prediction that we may be able to control robots with our brain waves. The robots will react to our mental commands and will do what we trained them to do in response to that particular command. My video in this blog shows that measuring and using brain waves for object movement on a computer screen is being researched currently and because of that I believe that using brain waves has many possible uses.
  The fact that research shows brain waves are useable for controlled tasks and the prediction that they can be used to control robots shows very real potential in the next 2-5 years at least as a starting point with more research achieving greater success and use of this new tool in the 5-10 year range. So if men are able to control machines with their minds they will see what women have been enjoying (control over men by their minds) since Adam and Eve.
  Forces that need to be dealt with in the research of brain waves being used for robotic control include perceptual and contextual at least. Perceptual because currently it is thought that robots will replace humans in certain manufacturing environments, but completely replace them, not to be a slave to them.  Just as in the 1970’s it was thought that Computer Aided Design (CAD) software would replace the designers completely, but was then discovered that it took a human to control the CAD system and in the case of robots doing particular jobs, it will still require a thought process to do any complex work.
  The CAD systems since the 1970’s allow the skilled designer to make many iterations of part placement and connection and allow changes to be made rapidly thus saving immense amounts of time from a human doing the job manually. Major savings were created but not in the originally intended manner.
  The second force to challenge the use of brain waves to manipulate robots is Contextual. There are many uncertainties as to what effect using brain waves will have on the person whose brain waves are being used. The complexities of what limits should be placed on this activity for the protection of the human and what possible problems could arise are also forces to be considered.

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